Wow! Thank you Wayne Allen Brenner at the Austin Chronicle!
We are absolutely floored by this gorgeously written article! Thank you so much Wayne Allen Brenner and The Austin Chrronicle! Red the...

We were driving through Texas, on our way to our opening at Wally Workman, when I opened my email and saw one from Fine Art Connoisseur....

A Place Beyond is opening this Saturday!!!
If you are in Austin this Saturday, July 12th stop into Wally Workman Gallery and say hi! Shane and I will be intown for the opening. If...

Aether Magazine
The wonderful folks over at Aether Magazine create a great e-magazine. Shane and I are happy to have our work/studio featured this month!...

Sara Scribner and the Poetic Portrait by Jeffrey Carlson, Fine Art Connoisseur
"Alternately playful, challenging, and seductive, Sara Scribner's fantastical portraiture creates space for a multiplicity of interesting...

Figure & Figures in the San Francisco Chronicle!
Read my interview by Stephanie Hession in the San Francisco Chronicle! www.sfchronicle.com #sanfranciscochronicle #sarascribner

SO honored!
I am SO honored to announce that my painting, She Stood Defiant Against Time, won Southwest Art Magazine Award of Excellence at Salon...